Finally an update
First of all my apologies for not updating this in the longest time, but here goes nothing...
I am enjoying my 2nd year as Peace Corps Volunteer more than what I expected. When volunteers say that the 2nd year is better because you have more work to do and time flies by, it is definitely true... I am attempting to cram work in these last 5.5 months of service that I have... Specifically, I am working with 2 groups--
One is a group that fundraises for resources for the local health clinic. So far they have raised quite a bit of money through a bingo and selling food once a week. Luckily, they managed to receive a donation of $350 USD from Paraguayans living in New York to buy a refridgerator to store vaccinations. Together we are working on a SPA grant through Peace Corps in order for them to obtain more resources, so that they can function much better to the benefit of the whole community...
I am also working with a local youth group that seeks to build a community plaza. We have had some fundraises thus far and have managed to collect some money. We are still waiting on tree donations that were promised a few weeks ago. Hopefully it will fall through...
As for the cooperative, it goes the same as always. Disappointingly the people in charge do not want to listen to the auditing group that insists on cutting excessive, needless spendings by the people in charge. Of course the ones in charge refuse to listen and will keep on spending as they please without any regard for the overall benefit of the cooperative. May be a miracle will happen and things will change for the better, but I am not holding my breath til then...
My other work goes as same as always. I continue to do a radio show once a week with 3 other volunteers. Now that summer vacation is ending for the Paraguayan kids, I will start computing and English classes. My friend from Valenzuela and I will also offer an afternoon camp of creativity for young kids. I hope to teach them how to make really cool wired flowers that my Dad invented. We have yet to work out the rest of the details, but it will take place in March.
My love life goes suprisingly well. I have been dating a 29-year old Paraguayan for the past 7 months. People keep asking what will happen to him when I leave, and my response is always the same...I have no idea. For the time being I am treasuring the time that we have with eachother--however long that may be.
Oddly enough I am finding that I wish the future was now...meaning that I want to have my career already and start building my dream house along with being on the road to settling down... Maybe its just that I am anxious to have it now or maybe its just my age...knowing that the time will just fly by and the future will be here soon enough... dunno exactly, just a feeling that I have been having lately...
Anyways hope all is well with you and remember to enjoy the time you have now. Don't get bogged down if things don't go according to plan, in the end things will work out they way they are supposed to...just show a bit of patience and you will be fine...
Tons of hugs
-Claudia Vanesa :)